
Saturday, 22 June 2013

When she....

 Just read this, it will make a difference. If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she pushes you like a dumb, she thinks shes stronger than you? - Grab her and don't let go
When she starts cursing at you tryin to act all tuff? - Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet? - Ask her what's wrong
When she ignores you? - Give her your attention
When she pulls away? - Pull her back
When you see her at her worst?- Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying? - Just hold her and don't say a word
When you see her walking? - Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared? - Dont laugh, protect her
When she steals your favorite hoodie? - Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you? - Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn't answer for a long time? - Reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt? - Back yourself up
When she says that she loves you? - She really does more than you could understand!!
When she grabs at your hands? - Hold her's and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you? - Bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret? - Keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes? - Don't look away until she does.
When she's bored and sad, hang out with her?  Let her know she's important.
When she's mad? -hug her tight and don't let go
When she says she's ok? -dont believe it, talk with her
When she runs up to you crying,the first thing you say is:  "Whose ass am I kicking?"

When she says it's over?
- She still wants you to be hers
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything.
- because 10 years later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her and happy birthday!
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Always tell her exactly how you feel
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid.
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes.

If you had someone on your mind this whole time , you are in love.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Raudhatus Sakinah

8 Jun minggu lepas. Aku and Kelab Khidmat Masyarakat group aku pegi buat program dekat Raudatus Sakinah. Ape tu? Hemm hemmm payah aku nak cakap. Pendek kata, rumah ni satu tempat dimana remaja2 yg tersilap langkah dalam hidup mereka. Ditempatkan disini utk memperbetulkan diri untuk menjadi wanita yg lebih berguna dan mulia satu hari nanti. Here we go!
Pepagi buta lagi kami bertolak ke sana dgn bas tercinta, bas UITM :3
Rombongan cik kiah hoiiii hoiii

Dah sampai, kena panjat panjat pasang banner pulak haaaa
Inilah Raudhatus Sakinah :) 
Dah nak pegi melawat org, kenalah bawak buah tangan. yedak?
Kena dengar taklimat dri warden dia. Insaf aku! Dahlah aku duk depan skali hah -__-
HAh! Tudiaaa pengacara majlis yg sempoi, Anaaa!
Aktiviti first pagi tu, sesi berkenalan sambil melukis muka masing2!
khusyuk pulak aku!
Lepas sesi melukis, kitorang sama2 dengar Kak Aisyah bagi nasihat dan tazkirah pendek! Tacing okay! Baru aku sedar, kita yg kat luar ni kadang lagi hampeh daripada adik2 kat sana. Sebab, kat sana mereka diajar semula menjadi manusia mulia, jauhi segala dosa dan lebih banyak spend time utk Allah. Alhamdulillah.. Insaf kejap aku ni haa :3


Then kami makan tengah hari sama sama dgn adik adik kat sana :)
Last before balik, bergambar dulu sepukul! Hikkk! Banner tu pentinggg okay! Muahahha
Errr muka kepanasan dah sebenarnya nihhh, sabor jelahh demi sekeping gambor haa!

Err sebelum aku lupa, syarat nak bergambar kat sini, takboleh amik gambar adik2 tuu sebab dorang tak boleh dipaparkan di public. That's why lah gambar dorang hanya dri belakang sahaja!  Mereka insan terpilih yg kita kena sokong habis habis! so that one day dorang keluar, masyarakat tak tahu kisah silam mereka. Hopefully mereka smua dapat meneruskan masa depan dgn lebih sempurna dan bahagia! So sekian sahaja Program Sehari di Raudhatus Sakinah. Semoga adik2 kat sana tabah utk menjadi yg lebih baik, kita yg kat luar ni pulak sama2 lah amik pengajaran.. Dalam kehidupan, jangan sampai tersalah pilih jalan..

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Those ayat gula batu buat aku pengsan.

i dont even care if im drowning for u dear. 
susah? never.
sy xpena rasa susah pun untuk awak
sy sanggup, sebab sy kesah.
i may not b a romantic guy to u but believe me when i say this,
im the guy who hope that one he can love as much as u love him even more
the guy dat kiss ur forehead in the morning n smile to u
saying dat he loves u so dearly much
he is.  forever will.
from stranger to lover.
from no one to someone.
from nothing to something.
guess what?
i want to be that stranger for without stranger i wont be ur lover
i want to be that no one for without no one i wont b ur someone
i want to be that nothing for without nothing i wont b ur something
i want to be dd for without him i will never ever find my kasih
people say that love is blind.
no it is not because all u need to have is those sparkling eyes to shine ur way,
my sparkling beautiful eyes
my kasih's eyes
forever mine
my way.

Copy paste from inbox Dzamir Irwan (DD)

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

After the last meet, here we go!

Yeah! Agak lama gilaaa dah tak jumpa dia. My baby, my minah senget, my mak nenek, my kakak, my miss everything.. Farhanim Zailand.
So, 7 Jun 2013. Hanim dtg jumpa aku, spend time sama2. Ya Alla, haihh lama sangat takjumpa! Hah, bila da jumpa.. First sekali? Bila dedua nampak depan mata, menjerit melalak mcm kena sawan anjing aku rasa! Nasib baiklah kolej aku ni guna batu konkrit, tak runtuh lps kena gabungan jeritan minah senget dua org nih! Masuk bilik, ape lagi.. Bukak semua cerita, pong pang pong pang borak.. Then g lunch kat Secret Recipe!
Macam macam lah minah ni, khusyuk sgt makan!
Pastu malam tu, pegi Giant! Hik hik! Makan makan sambil beli barang!

Esok tu pulak, sambung lagi gedik mengada! Pegi jalan jalan dekat Tasik Seksyen Dua kat sebelah PKNS tuh! Sambil tu, macam macam gaya lah ada! Dua dua berangan nak jadi mcm model dalam DARA.com tulaaa.. model muslimah. KONON! HAHAHA

Selama aku belek majalah, setakat ni takde lag model dia pose pakai skirt then duk bertapa camni -__-

Bajet bajet bajet! 
Bajet bajet bajet!

Moments tayang muka mintak penampor tak dilupakan! Yeaahhh!
Dan begitulah sengetnya kami bila bersua! Paling best korang tahu ape? Kami boleh jadi kami yg sebenar bila sama-sama. Sebab? Sebab kami tahu and faham each other lebih dari kami kenal kami sendiri. HAHA ayat aku mcm keling, takpelah.. Aku gelak sendiri. Dahlah, tu je entry kali ni. Nak cerita nya, Hanim datang menggedik dengan aku sana sini. Sekian.

So Hanim, thanks for coming! Aku happy? Woiii penat tersengeh bila tengok balik smua gambar nih! AKu rindu mung semek, sayang sangat. Insha-Allah, bestfriends till Jannah. AMin

Thank you, YOU

He's not just some guys.
 He's my soul mate. 
He's my best friend. He's my support. 
He's my life. He's my one and only.
 He's my favourite listener. He's my joker. He's my love. 
He's my team mate. He's the most simple, easy going partner,
He's the person I lean on when things get rough. 
He's the reason I wake up every morning. 
He's the reason I can't sleep at night because he's always on my mind. 
He's where my thoughts go during class.
 He's the reason I can't concentrate. 
He's the one that I love to text.
 He's the guy who makes me happy. 
He's the guy who keeps telling me to be a good daughter, sister, friend and a good girl.
He's my dream guy that I've wished in Doa,
He's the Mr. Perfect that I've written in my diary,
He's the one I've been waiting for long time ago,
He's my DD and I love him. 
He's the only person I ever want to be with.
 He's the only future hubby, he's gonna be my kids' superb Daddy.
 He's my forever, and I can't help falling in love with him.

Dear Allah, 
I have never thought that I would train my heart to keep loyal to a person, a guy. 
I've never dream that this kind of my Mr. Right is really exist. 
I've never known that I would know the feeling of love and beloved. And I've never known that someone who I've been searching all this while is him, Dzamir Irwan (mamat kerek mengada). 
Keep us together till forever end, keep us strong to get halal to one another,
Alhamdulillah.. Thank you Allah, thank you YOU.