
Sunday 25 May 2014

#Nicksyaaa turns 21.

HAHAH i hope this entry tak basi lagi, sorry for the late post of this great one. Alhamdulillah, what a great blessing. Finally, im 21! i'm a big girl now, nak kawen boleh? Hihik *gedik selori* And it is more wonderful enjoying these moments of 21st birthday celebration.

On 18 of may, both of my angel like sisters gave me a little surprise! Tengah seronok nak lunch, Aina went out. Irah cakap dia nak gi jumpa pakwe dia kejap, and me macam orang bongok je pegi percaya semua benda Irah cerita this and that without expecting they are going to make a surprise. Noob sangat kan? *lempang pipi sendiri* After a while, Aina came with a blueberry cake yg comel gilaaaa! and i was like... *ternganga* and *control macho* anddd "HAHAHAHA taknak terharu punnn!" Pandang tepi, lap airmata.

Focus gila haaa nak potong cake!

Dah balik Seremban, esoknya tuuu 19 May. Dengan penuh noob aku kena seprais lagi. Kali ni by theKakaks. Nak katanya aku takleh nak expect langsung dorang punya plan, sampai dah sampai kat tempat kejadian pun aku pending. Sampailah depan2 mata, dorang jerit "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". *vrooom vrooom vroommm airmata jatuh pipi* Pandai pulak aku terharu. Emmm yelah dah 21, mestilah pandai. So kat bawah ni some of the moments petang tu. Petang yg jet jet nak indah harmoni, tetiba hujan lebat gila haaa. Tapi takpelahh, celebrate birthday masa hujan tu nampak aaaahh rare sikit! Wuuu.

1- Mummy Kunor! 
2-Along Qish
3-Kak Bell
5-Kak Jajaa
6-Kak Sehaa
7-Kak Faraa
Bermonopod yg tak pernah berjaya-____-

This is my sisters. My other family. My supports. #theKakaks
So that's all yang boleh throwback. Thanks a lot sebab sudi susah2 plan out surprise ni semua. I really appreciate them all. Thanks *lap airmata lagi* So now, sweet 21 Syahirah :)

Mmuahhh stepek :*

Saturday 24 May 2014

For the last time and forever.

I’m so sorry.
After all, I just realize that I couldn’t find any better guy than you
Well said, sometimes im caught with our past moments yg rasa takpuas hati.
And I keep bring it on.
Then, out of sudden we are fighting.
Pung pang pung pang! *lap airmata* Blab la bla *srot hingus* Awak, saya, awak, saya *lap airmata*
I know, ive hurt you. A lot.
Mohon jangan tumbuk dinding lagi.
Tangan awak tak salah.
Saya yang buat awak sakit, biar saya yg rawat balik.
Mungkin basi dengan ayat “I’m sorry, nanti tak buat lagi.”
Tapi sayang,
For the last time and forever.
Now, im trying my best.
To not come out with those words anymore.
Bukan saya ego nak mintak maaf.
Tapi, saya cuba untuk buat sy tak ada benda yang nak dimaafkan dah.
After years, I know you have been so strong for me.
All this while, I know you are struggling to be the best for me.
And I still remember your request,
“I just wanna love you, janganlah susahkan sy nak sayang awak.”
“nak rasa sayang je, taknak ada perasaan lain.”
And your dream.
“Before kita nikah, sy nak betulkan agama sy. Bawak awak sama2. Sy ni bakal lead awk. Sy nakkan yg terbaik utk future kita, utk anak-anak nanti. “
“sy taknak anak-anak sy ikut perangai buruk sy.”
And I know. One thing.
I cannot go away from you.
“Awak mampu ke nak pergi ?”
Tak. Tak mampu. Tak pernah. Takkan.
Because the one I would always love till forever ends,
Would always be,

Muhamad Dzamir Irwan Abdul Rahman.