
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sahabat (DD,2015)

Well, talking about KAWAN and SAHABAT. These two terms really different. There's someone briefs me about this.

"Sahabat ni suatu yang sangat sangat berharga. Jangan pernah sia siakan peluang yang orang bagi. Tapi kalau dia sendiri yang tak sedar dengan apa yang dia ada, then dia buat taik, tu bukan sahabat. I mean tak salah tau kalau bergurau, kalau gaduh sikit sikit. Tapi kalau bercerita buruk pasal someone kat public, tu bukan sahabat. Itu hipokrit. Berkawan sebab nak berkawan, bukan sebab bodoh nak men'capub' or naikkan your  so called popularity. I hate that shit, idiots that have no life.. Meet someone that is famous such as bloggers or the like and having lunch together just for popularity sake. They are disgusting. And when someone got more attention than him or her, they will kill one another, Talk behind their back. Shit."

I can just keep in silent. DD seems to mad bila aku terlalu baik melayan semua orang even just kenal dekat social networks, He hates the most when those "FRIENDS" lama lama back stabbed aku yg duk melayan dorang selama ni. Kadang betul semua apa DD cakap. Aku ni expect semua orang baik sangat. Ingat nanti semua orang suka aku, appreciate aku. The reality is.... NO. At all. Baik laaaa masa first time chat, kua minum sembang2, snap gambar sesama the post kat social medias. Later, bila takpuas hati nampak macam aku lebih sikit, tetiba sibuk nak tweet memacam emo sana sini. Dengki. LOL. HAHAHAHA dah penat dah jmpa masyarakat mcamni. So, aku sekarang kawan dengan org yang bebetul nak kawan dengan aku je. Anddddd for sure, akan terus sayang DD lebih.

*DD tak kasi aku share apa dia komen pasal this thing, dia sebenarnya nak advice aku je. HAHA saje nak buat reminder kat blog wane wani aku ni. Hihihi, muahh stepek :*

Saturday, 14 February 2015

You are my sweet dream that comes true

Love ain't about how long we have known each other already, love ain't about how deep our conversation could be, love ain't about money, love ain't about memories, ain't about the time nor the distance. Love is ain't above how people might think about us, love. Well, love ain't about how many times you said it in a day. Love is all about us, just the two of us, what and how we feel inside, just between you and me. Love is about how we connect to each other through good and bad. Love is powerful, love is wonderful. Few years knowing you, sharing so many moments, lessons and togetherness.. Smiles, tears, hopes, laughter. Thanks for always having my back and walk beside me along the way, for growing up with me. Yes Dzamir Irwan, you are a beautiful man, also the best true friend. though moments weren't always perfect, but hey! nothing is perfect anyway. but it is perfect to know that you do love me as i do love you too. And i will never go away as we always promise to keep closer to one another even if the whole world against us. We have been too far, we would not go back to our horrible past times, we will survive and once the time comes, everything is gonna be okay. We will be safe, hold on and be strong. I will always be with you.