
Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Happy 22, Kasih

So i cried while reading this post by DD. I know i have been so bad. Well, suka paksa DD do this and that. Tak kasi DD macam2. Suka marah2 DD. Cakap DD bebukan sampai DD stress. Yet, I do thank you Allah for letting him stay and always sabar with all my bad bad bad behaviors. I hope we will survive for the upcoming years. DD, you mean a lot to me. Thank you :'(

"It has been almost 3 years now since I first met her. At first, I thought she's kinda bitchy and loud. I hate her for that particular reason. But, u can't really blame me 100% u know. The reason was relevant and well supported. Firstly, I saw her and her friends at the beach with some guys who probably were their classmates. And, adding salt to the wound, it was maghrib. It was MAGHRIB!!!!!!! Secondly, she would smile to every guy that she saw as if she's the prom queen or something. Just in case u're missing my point here, I repeat. SMILE TO EVERY GUY. GUY. GUY.GUY.GUY. Well that will surely get to ur head won't it? But then, there's something about her that I believe it's special. Unique. No, of course it's not about the obvious humongous sweat patches under her armpits. Something else. Hmmmm. Was it her beautiful smile? Was it sexy her eyes? Was it her crazy personality? Was it her small yet high pitched voice? Was it her fair skin? What was it I wonder...but then I talked to myself. Yeahhhh. It's not her. It's me. I think I'm crazy!!! Why on earth would I fall for her!? Indeed, it's now permanently verified that I'm mentally challenged. Yeah I'm crazy. Crazy for her. Addicted to her. Being spelled by her. I don't mind actually. I don't mind at all. To others, I'm silly. To her, I'm normal. To her, I'm myself. I won't exchange that for the wealth of the world. Not even a penny. Exaggerating? Yeah2 I know. Just suck it. Well that's how I thought of her at the first place. But then, she's not that bad. She's just shy to show herself to others. So she pretended to be someone else. A person that was not herself. Now, she has all grown up. Just by the age. No, just by the number. After all, she's still a silly girl who I would pinch her nose for making silly mistakes. To be honest, I don't really think she's grown up. To me, she's still a little girl that I would like to take care of for the rest of my life. 

Happy 22 years old sweetie. You'll always be my little girl."

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Jodoh kan di tangan Tuhan. Tapiiiii...

Okay hai hai haiiii everybody. Assalamualaikum!

It's late enough anyway. Dah pukul 2.30 pagi dah ha. Tapi.. Ada ayat yang macam calar hati ni tetiba bila aku keluarkan ayat pesanan Ayoh aku regarding to JODOH. Ayoh once said,

"Memanglah jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Tapi, Allah pesan suruh kita usaha. Doa. Usaha tu maknanya Allah suruh kita bebetul cari jodoh yang kita nak untuk kita hidup dengan dia sampai mati. Cari 'dia' sampai kita puas hati. Taksalah pun kalau kita nak cari, nak kenal jodoh kita tu untuk yakinkan kita, dialah yang terbaik untuk kita. Ada mata, nak yang cantik kacak, pilih lah, Memanglah rupa takjamin bahagia, tapi selagi Allah bagi peluang untuk kita usaha, taksalah kalau kita nak yang lawa. Ehhh! Cucu Ayoh nanti pun comel tau kalau laki kau tu comey. Tambah pulak dia tu pandai amik hati orang tua, jaga semayang, tak kedekut, and paling penting, kita serasi dengan dia. Dia sayang kita lebih dari kita sayang dia. Tak ke bertuah? Kat mana lagi nak menyesal kalau kita dah jumpa orang yang kita nak, yang kita doa kat Allah selama ni bebetul kita dapat. Bahagia kan? Ingat, kita nak pakai dia, nak hidup dengan dia, nak hadap muka dia tu sampai mati. Carilah dia sampai puas hati. InshaAllah takkan menyesal sampai tua nanti."

Haaaaa amik kau! Berjela tau Ayoh pesan pasal cari jodoh.

Tapi tetiba ada yang potong line cakap,

 "Elehhhh, kalau dah kenal lama lama bertahun tu macam taksesuai nak jadi jodoh dah.".

Apaaaaaa ni apaaaaa ni! Haishh. Sentap aku.

Well, lain orang lain pendapat kan. Sooo, okay. Fine. Aku respect opinion tu. But in my own words i would say that kenal lama lama then nak simply said itu bukan jodoh is totally wrong. Awak bukan Tuhan nak judge mcmtu. Memang betul jodoh di tangan Allah, tapi takkan lah kita ni nak duduk rumah je then tetiba jodoh datang. Haaaaa kalau mcmtu laaaa, baik gi balik terperap dalam rumah. Takyah belajar jejauh ni, buang masa. Well, kan duduk rumah macamtu je pun boleh dapat rezeki. Kann? Memang duduk rumah sesaje pun dapat degree kan? Haaa gi laa balik rumah. Takyah usahakan. Lama lama ni kannn buang masa je. Duduk rumah pun PHD datang bergolek kan? Apedaaaaa.. Again. Jodoh di tangan Allah. Mungkin Allah temukan kita lama. Mungkin ada orang jumpa je terus nikah. Jodoh jugak.Mungkin yang kenal lama terpaksa lalui banyak halangan, kesilapan. Tapi disebabkan lama tu, mungkin Allah nak mereka sedar and betulkan untuk mereka jadi halal. Mungkin.Yang penting, usaha tu perlu ada. Kalau takde usaha, duduk rumah je postman hantar KFC. Kan?

Renung renungkan, mmuahhh stepek :*