Hihik! These girls, my precious, my laughter, my hugs, my sahabat. Thanks thanks and thanks for making up my day, as always. Im too sad as next upcoming semester we would not be able to be together like this anymore. Distance T_____T Seriously, im gonna face a super big rinduuuu towards each of you. Till then, i love you and thankGod for theses beautiful friends.
These sweet and manja girls. Mizah and Enaa. XOXO |

Nur Shahirah Zulkiflee <--- aku eja betul ni taw, xtengok kt fb pun nama penuh ni. HAHA. My irah demuk yg gigih utk kuwuss :3 |
Fashoo, Qiss and Bello! Always. Complete. |
Always remember each other, love forever. As a true sahabat would always do :) Those beautiful moments of us, keep them safe inside there. Till forever ends, I love you. Thanks for being there. I really hope that I would always be a good friend to all of you. *hug*
"You’re not friends because you sit together at lunch, or talk on the phone, or have matching flip flops, or can recite each others wardrobes. You’re best friends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across your face, no matter how mad you are. When she cries, you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. When you look her in the eyes, you know there is on one you could ever trust more, regardless of how many broken hearts you’ve had. That’s what it means to be best friends. The real ones"
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