
Saturday, 13 December 2014


LOVE. We always heard about this one beautiful word. And i found this when i meet you, my forever Mr Perfect. 
Muhamad Dzamir Irwan bin Abdul Rahman.
I know.
It's not easy to face this long distance.
But then, i know we would always make it better.
By having you in my life, i learn many things about love. 
At the same time, Im trying to be better for all the areas of my life.
Thank you for loving me never ends.
Thanks for always be there.
Thanks for being the one and only.
Stay strong, till the day comes.

So what is love?
You and I, never be the same. We are difference. But then, the differences make us suit each other perfectly. And the way we accept each other shows the real love between us. Well, a big difference is, DD tak nsem, and I am the most beautiful girl alive in your whole life! *flip shawl*
HAHAHA! Look at this one! I know it shows how you feel when u would be the one being scolded, stand still listening to my potpetpotpet like 24/7 . I know you have been so strong, so patient when im mad even u didnt do anything. What to do, Kasih kan GARANG. Cubit nanti kalau degil.
Do u remember this? HAHAH i love it DD. You would always do sketching for us. Even if your drawing is like, hmmm.. But still, I love it! It is so adorable and i think is is cute much!

You get it? That's why I would mad at u if you forget to send me a goodnight wish. As we are being apart, virtual goodnight kisses and hugs and those sweet wishes are so good. I can sleep really well, dreaming of u.

DD, this. I would always try my best to alert with football match even if i never known what it is all about. It just me, trying to impress you. And yeah, i dont like reading. But as u love to read like crazy, i do try my best to finish the novel that you gave to me. I try hard for that. I really hope that u do love what i love, at least be supportive enough. Okay?

This is soooo not you -____- i pray hard that one day, you would be the one who say sorry first and do surrender instead of keep attacking me for a fight. Just please baby.

As always. We will fight. Like everyday. But here's how i feel whenever we are not okay. Because missing u is too mainstream and i cant stand the fight in a longer period of time T_T

Just say the best words that you can. Anything as long as they could make my day better. 

Have u? *wondering* DD selalu cakap that i'm comot, masam and tak cantik. Even if i act like i dont care, but it ruins my day. Really. You should encourage your girl to be fine. 

And yes, i know you are always be my strength. I hope that you do feel the same.

Thanks DD. I know. You have been struggling your best to make me happy. I know :') and i owe you a lot. Thanks!

AHAHA im sorry for jatuh motor and get some parut here and there. But i know they are not big deal at all. *sapu Bio Oil kat parut* or, thanks for adapting any changes. If i have ever changed.

And thanks for this too DD! Well, without your help, sometimes i would lack of idea to complete my assignments. And out of all, thanks for always be there to make me feel better whenever i feel down to face my other burdens around. ZZzz

Well, it's my hobby. Im so sorry for being so talkative till you have no time to interrupt. Sometimes. But it is a good thing dear, we share everything we do to each other.

Last but not least,
I love you.
Till Forever Ends.

Monday, 8 December 2014

"...from a woman who can't compete with her".

So true!
"...from a woman who can't compete with her".
Islam teaches us not to invent rumours and not to spread rumours as well.Islam teaches the believers to validate their sources. Repeatedly in the Quran , Muslims are warned about the sins of the tongue.

"Oh you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest you harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done (Quran 49:6).

"Why do not the believing men and women, whenever such [a rumour] is heard, think the best of one another and say, “This is an obvious falsehood”? ... When you take it up with your tongues, uttering with your mouths something of which you have no knowledge, you deem it a light matter. Whereas in the sight of God it is an awful thing!" (Quran 24: 12-15).

The Prophet Muhammad once asked his followers, “Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He continued, “Saying something about your brother that he dislikes.” Someone then asked, “What if what I say about my brother is true?” The Prophet Muhammad responded: “If what you say is true then you have backbitten about him, and if it is not true, then you have slandered him.”

Sunday, 25 May 2014

#Nicksyaaa turns 21.

HAHAH i hope this entry tak basi lagi, sorry for the late post of this great one. Alhamdulillah, what a great blessing. Finally, im 21! i'm a big girl now, nak kawen boleh? Hihik *gedik selori* And it is more wonderful enjoying these moments of 21st birthday celebration.

On 18 of may, both of my angel like sisters gave me a little surprise! Tengah seronok nak lunch, Aina went out. Irah cakap dia nak gi jumpa pakwe dia kejap, and me macam orang bongok je pegi percaya semua benda Irah cerita this and that without expecting they are going to make a surprise. Noob sangat kan? *lempang pipi sendiri* After a while, Aina came with a blueberry cake yg comel gilaaaa! and i was like... *ternganga* and *control macho* anddd "HAHAHAHA taknak terharu punnn!" Pandang tepi, lap airmata.

Focus gila haaa nak potong cake!

Dah balik Seremban, esoknya tuuu 19 May. Dengan penuh noob aku kena seprais lagi. Kali ni by theKakaks. Nak katanya aku takleh nak expect langsung dorang punya plan, sampai dah sampai kat tempat kejadian pun aku pending. Sampailah depan2 mata, dorang jerit "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". *vrooom vrooom vroommm airmata jatuh pipi* Pandai pulak aku terharu. Emmm yelah dah 21, mestilah pandai. So kat bawah ni some of the moments petang tu. Petang yg jet jet nak indah harmoni, tetiba hujan lebat gila haaa. Tapi takpelahh, celebrate birthday masa hujan tu nampak aaaahh rare sikit! Wuuu.

1- Mummy Kunor! 
2-Along Qish
3-Kak Bell
5-Kak Jajaa
6-Kak Sehaa
7-Kak Faraa
Bermonopod yg tak pernah berjaya-____-

This is my sisters. My other family. My supports. #theKakaks
So that's all yang boleh throwback. Thanks a lot sebab sudi susah2 plan out surprise ni semua. I really appreciate them all. Thanks *lap airmata lagi* So now, sweet 21 Syahirah :)

Mmuahhh stepek :*

Saturday, 24 May 2014

For the last time and forever.

I’m so sorry.
After all, I just realize that I couldn’t find any better guy than you
Well said, sometimes im caught with our past moments yg rasa takpuas hati.
And I keep bring it on.
Then, out of sudden we are fighting.
Pung pang pung pang! *lap airmata* Blab la bla *srot hingus* Awak, saya, awak, saya *lap airmata*
I know, ive hurt you. A lot.
Mohon jangan tumbuk dinding lagi.
Tangan awak tak salah.
Saya yang buat awak sakit, biar saya yg rawat balik.
Mungkin basi dengan ayat “I’m sorry, nanti tak buat lagi.”
Tapi sayang,
For the last time and forever.
Now, im trying my best.
To not come out with those words anymore.
Bukan saya ego nak mintak maaf.
Tapi, saya cuba untuk buat sy tak ada benda yang nak dimaafkan dah.
After years, I know you have been so strong for me.
All this while, I know you are struggling to be the best for me.
And I still remember your request,
“I just wanna love you, janganlah susahkan sy nak sayang awak.”
“nak rasa sayang je, taknak ada perasaan lain.”
And your dream.
“Before kita nikah, sy nak betulkan agama sy. Bawak awak sama2. Sy ni bakal lead awk. Sy nakkan yg terbaik utk future kita, utk anak-anak nanti. “
“sy taknak anak-anak sy ikut perangai buruk sy.”
And I know. One thing.
I cannot go away from you.
“Awak mampu ke nak pergi ?”
Tak. Tak mampu. Tak pernah. Takkan.
Because the one I would always love till forever ends,
Would always be,

Muhamad Dzamir Irwan Abdul Rahman.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Long Distance Love.

Long Distance Love is not always ideal. In fact, they are really tough. You spend countless of hours just talking via a phone or through screen. You can't see the person when you want to or when you need them most. You cannot hug, you cannot hold hands or kiss. You lose the intimacy in a physical sense. But then, your relationship becomes based on each other, nothing else.
You learn to communicate because a long distance love without communication is nothing.

You learn to keep a trust because you cannot always see or know everything that someone is doing right there.

You learn to sacrifice because someone always going to lose a bit of sleep from the time difference.

And lastly, you learn to appreciate. So often we take for granted the people and loves in our lives because we think that they would always be there for us. But when you only have a limited time with that person, you learn to appreciate and cherish every single moments you spend with them.

When you finally see that person after weeks or months of seeing them only via a computer screen, it is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

When you have waited for something so long and you finally have it, you cherish it. The key to this long distance love is FAITH.

If both of you are not willing to give up,
If both of you are willing to stand up,
Keep struggling whenever you both fall.

"Distance isn't for the fearful, it's for the bold"

It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for the little time with the one they love. It's for knowing a good thing when they see it even if they do not see it nearly enough.

*Dear you, i you only know how much i miss you. Being there just next to you, i miss everything that we spend together. Nothing much i could do in here, missing you is the only supplement that keep me alive everyday. Take care, love :'(

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Kekasih tersisih.

From my own sayings, aku sebenarnya kann.. Sangat lah takfaham macam mana orang yg tergedik gedik terhegeh hegeh nak bercinta, nak punya someone special tapi TAKBOLEH NAK SETIA. Dengggg! Kalau korang sendiri pun, apa korang pikir? Logik tak kalau nak apply the term of “BERSAMA” without “SETIA”? Nonsense gilaaa nokss! Mak sangat lah tak faham acano org2 ni boleh sewenangnya mengada buat2 taktau ape makna setia bila dia dah come out to be with that person. I mean, A PERSON. Satu. Bukan dua, tiga, empat or another stupid numbers lagi lah.

Masa awal2 nak ngorat, amboiii… Usha semua benda, konon jadi teman susah senang, yg paling memahami, a forever perfect lover. Yelah, masa hangat kann.. Texts tuuu kalau boleh taknak letak fon ha! Karang text nak wish good morning tuuu panjang dia macam buat essay MUET da hah. Punyalahhh manis berkrim penuh segala bagai sayang comel anje baby darling. Tu tak kira text yg selepas tu pulak nak tunggu ke text nak tido malam nanti, semua macam “Ololooo, sweet laaa you ni”.  Then tetiba feeling  terkapai2 di awangan dan singgah sebentar berehat di bulan purnama lalu bermain jongkang jongkit di bintang bintang kat atas sana. *Korang paham kan tahap angau dia tinggi mana aku cuba cakap tu?*  Hmm.. Pastu, masa sweet tu jugaklahh.. Semua sifat mulia dan amalan terpuji kita nampak kat dia. Siap tolong kejut subuh uolls! Haaa nak tidur malam baca doa tdur sesame. Pastu text pun baik je, penuh concern dan tahap caring yg menggunung. Bab dating? Alaaa malas aaa nak kata, sweet comel semua ada! Kalah laaa Irwanshah Pencinta Wanita tu hah. *tetiba*. Bagi itu ini, sanggup buat apa je. Ni aku bagitahu ni sebab aku pun buat macamtu, org bercinta dan jadi sweet tuu memang normal.
Tapi kalau org tu tetiba macam semacam dah.. Sampai kita sendiri rasa macam “Ehh, aku ni tak wujud ke ape? Kita ni kapel lagi ke idakk?”. Haaaa dah mai dahh rasa lagu tuhhh! Then mula gaduh bla  bla bla. Aku bukan apa, kalau gaduh sebab memang takde perasaan and memang taksayang dah dekat kekasih korang tuu.. Nak buat macamana kan? Takkan laa nak paksa orang sayang kita, takkan nak push dia terima jugak even dia dah takde perasaan kat kita ni. Sayang tuu kan kena ikhlas, mana boleh sebab paksaan or kesian. Yang aku panas is PUTUS SEBAB TAK SETIA. Eeeii mangkok, kalau kau rasa kau takboleh nak setia.. Buat apa kau mengada nak mintak hati dia attach dekat hati kau nokks? Kalau sedar diri kau tuu hati tak tetap dan tak nyata utk jadi setia, takpayahlah nak sebok nak sayang2 sangat awal2 masa dulu tu ha! Time awal2 dulu, masa tak dapat.. Kemain kau ushaa, kau bodek kau puja.. Bila dah ada depan mata, dia usaha nak jaga hati kau semata.. Sesenang pulak kau buat tak sedar diri, buat dia macam tak wujud. Text mula sepatah sepatah, call jarang2, jumpa macam taklangsung dah, takbanyak gelak, takde sweet mengada, tak tak tak and takk semua. See.
Ni aku jumpa kat twitter. Tah sape laa punya. Maaf, aku amik jadi contoh.
Aku bagi satu situation, bilamana that person dah declare elok2 nak setia nak jaga relay tu sampai tua. Yelaaa umur dah masuk 20 lebih ni kannn.. Takde makna nya nak main2 cinta ha, kalau berkenalan tu mesti nak kenal bebetul utk masa depan. Utk nikah, halal. So, mestilah serious masa nak say YES tu. But then, lama pastu cakap takboleh ubah perangai lama. Still lagi nak spend time dgn kawan2 lain jantina, social activities sama2 macam masa single dulu ha. And then, kau tak kasi kekasih kau tu jeles? Kau cakap dia annoying, clingy, insecure sangat bagai. HELLO! Gila kau tak jeles. Hati kita dah setia kemain, dah doa kat Allah nak dipanjangkan cerita kita dua.. Tapi kau? Kau nak lagi hidup macam kau takde sesapa. Time kau nak hang out dgn kawan lain gender tuu, kau reti je cakap takde ape. Relaxlah. Tapi, time turn dia nak keluar, nak tegur kawan lain gender dia.. Kau punya marah, kau punya dengki.. BERAPI. Haaa, kau reti. Skali lagi aku nak tanya, KENAPA KENA KAWAN LAIN GENDER?!!  Dah habis sama gender ko nak rapat? Duhh, sape tak terasa oi? Bukan tak kasi berkawan, tapi SEDARLAH DIRI STATUS HATI KAU TU APA. JANGANLAH OVER SANGAT BERKAWAN TUH. Jaga hati orang sikit boleh? Orang yg kita sayang duk spend time dgn bebasnya dgn KAWAN LAIN GENDER tuu. *lap airmata* Sakit hati ni tauu! Ibarat hati ni, kena tenyeh dengan kulit durian, pastu dituang minyak panas, then kena seret  atas jalan tar and at last kena langgar lori balak. Hah! Ko boleh bayang tak tahap sakit dia bagai apa? Jeles ni sakit laaa weh. SAKIT.
Macamni lah, aku just nak cakap je. Kita yg da umur 20 lebih2 ni.. sebenarnya dah taklayak nak puppy love bagai. Aku sendiri pun, serius aku kata. Aku ada dia sekarang ni, bukan utk manja2 semata. Aku nak buat dia jadi HALAL. Hidup sampai tua sama2. Sebab tu aku jaga and mintak dia sama2 sedar apa yg kami ada. Then, mampu usaha and doa je kat Dia. Bukanlah nak kata aku bagusss sangat ke apa, maksud aku.. Slagi mampu, usahalah. Korang kalau setakat nak mengada je declare semata, takpayahlahh buang masa. Kalau takboleh nak jadi setia, takpuas lagi joli dgn dunia kau, taknak rasa terikat, taknak jaga jiwa org, kau janganlah mula masa awal2 dulu tu ha. Kesian weh dekat org tu, kau hampehkan dia sebab takreti nak setia. Nak sayang orang ni, penat tau kalau hati kita tak ikhlas. Nak setia ni payah kalau taksedar apa kita harapkan dari dia. Kalau dah tak sayang, jujur and be strong to let go. Jangan duk torture hati dia, kau gantung dia dgn title “KEKASIH” lama2 tapi kau duk berjimba kat sana, lupa dah setia tu campak mana! Ingatlah, sayang ni bersifat dua hala. Kalau sorang je setia, tapi lagi sekor tah kemana.. Hmm, rabak jiwa tahan sebak sakit dada, merah mata tahan sedih sorang2 rasa.

Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang korang ada depan mata. Jangan nak tamak haloba sangat dengan apa kau nampak ada kat luar sana. Orang yang nak sayang kita sungguh2 ni, payah nak jumpa. Tak semua boleh terima kita seadanya.
Mmmmuah stepek :*

Friday, 4 April 2014

Happy 21st DD!

First of all,
Click here, let's sing you a birthday song!

HAHAHHA! Do you like it? 
I rarely do these stuffs, yelahh nak kena focus gegunting and do this and that. Penat tauuu! Tapi demi DD,  Sanggup skip assignment kejap to prepare semua ni just to celebrate you for your special day. Just to grab your smile and to make you feel loved. I hope it's working! Smile please.
This is my hand made card. Err, it's not look like a card though. make sure you put it on your wall okay?
And this is my own designed pencil box for you! I hope you love it.
I know you and air kosong never been apart, so i choose to give you this BROS punya botol air. it looks cool kan? Simple much and make sure you drink well every day just to keep u fresh and tak sleepy dlm kelas :) Jgn lupa Bismillah before u drink!
As always, here is love letter from Kasih.
Here your parcel's look. Even kotak ni pun handmade tauuu! Dah abis special da laaa ni ha. Penat brain storming nak cari idea.
 Happy Birthday DD! It's 21 already. You've grown up and yeahhh.. Now u are becoming a big man. Watch the video, it's me wishing you. Check it out!

Andddd not to forget to thank you for your advanced surprise. This is so funny, birthday boy yg post parcel kat orang pulak. After i received this parcel, then we text. It so touched once i read this,

" There's a little girl who want that bag so much, so i bought it for her. Don't lose the receipt and the turn ticket. read them, i dont have any paper so i have to use them yesterday. Sorry if they are not proper enough. DD penat sangat, mula2 pergi TS cari kasut, then gi KL sentral.. Ingat nak pegi seremban, tapi awak kan kelas. Ingat nak suruh ponteng je, HAHAHHA tapi.. bila fikir balik, study tu kan penting. DD ingat haritu Kasih nak bag Vincci , DD cari laa butik tu rata rata. Da beli, DD cari post office pulak. Puas cari, sampai melecet kaki semua. Demi Kasih, it's okay. DD taknak Kasih marah DD je, DD nak Kasih happy. Kasih suka sangat bag tu kan, DD belikanlaa. Sebab tu DD tak kasi awak beli, simpan duit tuu sebab DD yg nak belikan. Untuk Kasih je."
*lap airmata*
Thanks DD for this, sayang DD juta juta sampai bila bila. Once again, selamat menjadi seorang yg dewasa :)

Friday, 21 March 2014


Hai uolls! It has been a while aku asik mention theKakaks here and there. So, now i take a chance to introduce you my superb kakaks i ever have, my other beautiful people, sisterhood, a family, life. Bila aku kenal dorang, baru aku nampak erti kawan dgn campus ni. Bila hidup dgn dorang, baru aku rasa aku jadi hidup. Dorang kan, kalau ada takpuas hati ke pape.. Dorang terus cakap, macam a real friend should act. Yg aku tabik pasal dorang, kalau susah ke ada masalah ke.. Dorang tak tinggal tauu, dorang mesti sesama tolong. Sebab tu kalau buat pape je, mesti berderet semua sama sama. Even kami ramai, hati kami dekat.

Let's start with Mummy Kunor! Okay, Ku Noorshahira Ku Rahim. Why Mummy? Sebabbb... She always act like a mother among us. She takes care of our daily needs, bawak we all go here and there, jemput hantar kami pegi balik kelas, she would go out and get us some food to survive, she really takes care of our kebajikan laaaa pendek kata. Semua benda, she will take part termasuklah bangun kejut subuh, anddd cubit bontot orang kalau tengah syok bermalas malasan atas tilam. Nway, she's just like my superwoman. She's the one who brought me into this family after i've been lost, terkapaikapai after being dumb in a 'friendship' masa awal2 hidup kat campus duu. Sobss, how sad. So MummyKunor push me up, to be stronger, to keep alive and to be the real me. Thank God, now i really did it!

Along Qish. I used to call her Along sebab dia the eldest sister in her siblings and because of her size yg triple me, sooo suit her with "ALONG". Oh haa, nama dia.. Qurraisya Rahmat. Unik kan? Kannn? HAHA she's veryyy the ganas okay! Kalau dia marah ke bebel keee, abis keluar semua benda yg aku sdri takreti nak kata. Dialah paling brutal and garang, so jangan buat dia marah. Tapi aku dah lali dah kena sound, nakal plus pending sangat kann.. what to do. She got a real strong heart, dia selalu cakap dia hati kayu. Sebab? Sebab dia susah nak kesiankan orang yg memang buat salah as she prefer to say "PADAN MUKA!". She is another person yg ajar aku utk jadi kuat, who always tell me everything to face the situation. To keep me beware of the other people outside there, to not be sooo stupid to trust people easily. Emm, my kakak gadjet. my superb tukang buli. Tapiiii, kalau kenal dia bebetul.. She is sooo caring, and sometimes loving. Kalau bebosan, dia datanglah bilik. tengok aku duk buat ape, paling gila.. Boleh selfie sesama tak kira masa. Sayanggg AlongQish. *beliau masih single, Hihikk!
My Kekniss! Yayyy! Anis Sofea My bedmate, my hug before bangunn tidur, my imam, my setazah sebab she would always be the one yg akan tegur kalau pakai short pant gaya amoi tuu *insaf*. Hihik! Kekniss ni soft hearted sangat tauu. Dengan dia, aku akan bahasakan nama. Takcakap aku kau, takde lahh nak sebut bongok ke apa kalau borak dengan dia. She would always there, layan je semua benda kalau aku mintak apa apa. Macam a sister always does. bebel? Emmm boleh tahan lah jugak. yelaaa, aku ni.. semua org pun akan bebel. hahahaaha yg aku tahu.. Kekniss laa kakak yg paling soft, andddd..... ni serius, cantik. *pun masih single. HAHAHA

Next, my makcik instagram, makcik fashion, makcik gambar, partner in crime, master chef andddd kakak paling comel sebab dia paling kecik among us. Introduce you my KakBell or nama glemer, Nabilah Ahmad. KakBell ni laaaa yg selalu melayan kegilaan aku bab bergambar, bab gedik mengada, bab fesyen, bab loveee lovee.. Haaa! Sweet kan? Paling best kalau story pape dekat kakbell, dia akan always dengar macam bebetul faham apa aku nak katakan. Puas laaaa kalau cerita pape dekat dia, a good listener. Not to forget, cecepat lahhh kawen dengan abang sado pujaan hati tuuu. 

Kak Jaja atau dengan nama ic nya Siti Hajar binti Ishak. Haaaa, kak jaja ni.. Dia serius sikit. Kalau tak kenal dia, mmg dia takkan nak tegur korang dulu. Aku dulu pun takberani nak tegur dia, dia tengok org mcm semua kena jeling sebab mata dia sepet, nampak sipi sipi jee camtu. Tapi now, bila da dekat da rapat.. Ya Allah.. Skali kalau dia tergelak, nak menangis tengok. Macam ikhlas gila dia gelak, andddd bila bebetul kenal dia kann.. Sebenarnya dia sweet laa jugak. Sebenarnyalahhhh... *ini pun solo lagi. Hiii

Kak Seha. haaaa ni kakak yg paling noob, Siti Nasihah Muhamad Zawawi. HAHA, bukan ape.. Dia punya muka kalau tengah cakap dgn dia kan, mesti macam takde expression punn. Tapi, kalau bab KPOP. Haa, kau takyah cakap aaaaa.. hari hari dia layan. Paling takleh blah, klau ajak bergambar dgn dia kan.. mesti takde satu pun gambar normal. mesti dia sebok jee nak buat aksi bebukan, rosak gambar. hahaha kelakar tauu! Nak nak kalau dia mula bercerita, mmg klaka. Bukan sebab cerita dia yg klaka, tapi tgok muka dia. hahhaha

Kak Fara. Nama special, Fara Maakon. Haaa! Kak Fara ni laaaa chef kitorang! Dia masak kann.. Perghhhhh! meleleh air liur habaq hanggg. Sedapppp oi! Dah boleh aaaa nak bukak kedai makan kannn. Dia pun macam pemalu, tp kalau bcakap.. Tetiba brutal macam kakak kawasan dah. HAHAHA

Last but not least.. KekTaaa! Nama penuh, Masitah Azid. Emm ni laaaa komander paling berkaliber! Kikiki.. Tapi kann dia laaaa paling penyayang. Sebab? Dia sorang je panggil aku "DikSya", haaaa sweet dak? Hihihi. Comel sangat taw! Ni lagi sorang, kalau bergambar takpernah normal. Yg suka pasal Kektaa, dia lawak gilaaa oi. Cerita dia, semua takpernah fail buat kitorang terguling gelak ha. Tapii sorang guys, ni tunangan orang dah. HAHAHA

Sooo, here my words sisters. Thanks a lot for being with me, be my sisters, my family. I have never thought that we would be this way sedangkan awal2 dulu all of you annoyed gila dengan aku. HAHA Allah dah set up semua ni dalam cerita kita kot, what else aku boleh cakap except SYUKUR. Yes, really much. Syukur sebab Allah datangkan korang utk jaga aku, support aku, buat aku macam adik korang sendiri. Sebab tu aku tak amik hati sangat kalau korang bebel pape, sebab mmg mcmtulahh a kakak always behave. I'm so sorry if I'm not good enough or else.. But from my side, i do appreciate your kindnesses, your cares, yourselves. Really thanks, i pray that Allah would always take care all of you and keep you all safe in whatever you do. May this sisterhood long last. You know what's forever is? You, theKakak.

Mmuahhh stepek :*